Domaine(s) de la formation
- Démarches réglementaires (nationales et/ou internationales)
- Gestion des données cliniques et/ou des échantillons biologiques
- Spécificités des projets multinationaux
Langue :
- Formation continue
Given the complexity of coordinating a multicenter clinical study and the great evolution of the national and international regulatory frameworks governing the activity, embarking on a multinational clinical research project is a challenge and leaves little room for approximation. Based on this observation, this online training session offers the opportunity to familiarise oneself in a global way with the specificities and the points of vigilance in the implementation and management of European multinational projects, as well as to understand in detail complex subjects (data management in a multinational research project, regulatory specificities outside the European Union (UK and US)).
Sessions à venir
Aucune session à venir.
Aucune évaluation